INET Lecture - The great divide: inequality and how to reduce it

In this talk, Professor Fazzari will link these two salient aspects of the US economy. He will summarize research that associates the large run-up of household debt prior to the Great Recession with the falling share of income earned by the bottom 95 percent of the income distribution. He will show that the end of this borrowing boom coincided with the onset of the Great Recession, and that the unusually large decline in spending was concentrated in the group of households whose income share had fallen. Finally, he will present evidence to support the view that that the decline in the share of income earned by the bottom 95 percent now constrains US household spending and therefore helps to explain the slow recovery from the Great Recession.


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© 2023 Festival dell'Economia. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Le edizioni dalla prima alla sedicesima sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Edizioni Laterza.

La 17 e 18esima edizione sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Gruppo Sole 24 Ore.

Le edizioni dalla prima alla sedicesima sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Edizioni Laterza.

La 17 e 18esima edizione sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Gruppo Sole 24 Ore.