INET Lecture - Income inequality, the great recession, and slow recovery

In 2008 and 2009, the US economy experienced its deepest recession since the 1930s and the recovery, from what is now called the “Great Recession,” has been disappointing. Growth has been slow; the employed share of the working age population remains much below its level before the recession even though interest rates have been kept unusually low in an attempt to bolster the recovery. Moreover, a central feature of the US economy in recent decades has been a historic rise of income inequality.


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La 17 e 18esima edizione sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Gruppo Sole 24 Ore.

Le edizioni dalla prima alla sedicesima sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Edizioni Laterza.

La 17 e 18esima edizione sono state organizzate in collaborazione con Gruppo Sole 24 Ore.